ScalingPHP Blog

Introducing PHP 5.5 Zend Opcache-JSON 2014-03-28

The PHP community needs a way to uncover the magic going on inside of Zend Opcache. When your paycheck depends on the success and uptime of your app, the last thing you want is a surprise.

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Best Zend OpCache Settings/Tuning/Config 2014-02-13

Have you ever noticed how you can spend hours reading docs, but without an example or real world case study, you have NO IDEA what the settings actually do?

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Zend Opcache and Atomic Deploys 2014-01-30

If you haven't upgraded to 5.5 yet, the APC extension that everyone uses has been deprecated and you HAVE to use the (now open-source) Zend Opcache. Bummer, I know. No one likes change.

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